Thursday, March 23, 2017

Creative Assignment

I used Facebook LIVE to demonstrate creativity in New Media. Click HERE to see the project. New Media is ever changing. When Facebook Live was introduced it allowed users to use a live video to talk and interact with their friends on Facebook. I use this forum on my radio show. Usually, to interact on the show, followers would have to call in. However, due to New Media, they can just type a comment live and I will be able to respond.

Adding this visual into the radio world allows me to make the Facebook live look visually appealing, thus, I have backdrops with logos of the station.

Facebook LIVE is a way to express your creativity in any forum however you want while getting immediate feedback.


     There is a vast amount of creativity in today's society. Mostly due to New Media. Websites like YouTube allow for a display of such creativity. In The New York Times  article, 'Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?' we understand the true power of using infamous Disney characters to the advantage of creativity in New Media. While, the article does not necessarily blatantly depict the creativity; it is certainly evident. Creativity is displayed in the editing of cartoon movies to be in the rap song 'Crank Dat' by Soulja Boy. This type of creativity received 7 Million views on YouTube. Simba and Bambi are now mashed into music videos. This is something that could not be done without editing software. However, the popular New Media platform, YouTube allows for the creativity to be displayed on a widespread forum.

     In the article, Using Flickr tags to describe city cores, we are introduced to tagging which is very prominent in the New Media world. Tagging allows for people to share their pictures, ideas, or even comments about a certain place or event on their own social media, in this case Flickr, and using a tag of the place will help other see it. This almost allows for a collage of ideas or pictures about a certain place from just one tag. Essentially a work of art by many different people. Without these popular social media websites this simply would not be possible.

This is why people are more creative due to new media.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

     Virtual Worlds are very fascinating. It is like living a alternate life in cyberspace. An escape from reality where you can  live in a different fake reality inside of a computer. While some may enjoy this escape from the reality of the current life that we live, some may think that it is simply an immature past time. However, there are indeed some reports that these virtual realities could be of immense benefit.

     Escapism is a nice way to get your minds off the stress in your life. However, one can always detach and go about their day normally. Yet, there are some people that live too much of a stressful life that the Escapism is almost necessary. CNN reports in their article, iReport: 'Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction, that the virtual reality called 'Second Life' could indeed benefit people who are on the autism spectrum. It is very hard for these individuals to lead a completely normal life that a virtual reality could act as a safe space. In this site, they are represented by avatars so they can be whomever they want to be. If this could help the patient, this indeed is a pro. David Savill whom is 22 years old founded a gathering spot for people on the spectrum to get together in the virtual world. The future of the virtual worlds can foster creativity within the individuals whom are on the spectrum and they can use that creativity in the real life. 'Second Life' could also help many more individuals and companies.

      CNN also reports in their article, Going to the virtual office in Second Life, that the Enterprise feature allows companies and businesses to hold virtual meetings and gatherings. I believe this indeed is a pro. This saves money for travel and allows meetings to be held in the comfort of everybody's own home. The future of this type of virtual reality is just starting to pick up as IBM's Sametime 3D and Google Wave also contain virtual meetings. However, the article notes that what works in the office might not work at home in the virtual world. People may get too comfortable at home and may not dress appropriately. They may get distracted by something at home whether it is family, the pet, the door bell, the home telephone. These all cause lack of cooperation in a virtual reality. This can be a big con.
     While 'Second Life' Virtual Reality can certainly have it's benefits with individuals on the autism spectrum and corporations. It also comes with a down fall of out of touch with reality and distractions. However, if used wisely. It could work!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Social Networking Sites

Facebook is a great forum to connect with old friends, new friends, and family. One can look through their photo albums and see a plethora of pictures through the years. They can communicate publicly via 'The Wall' and privately in an inbox message. On Facebook, your friends can share articles or 'memes' One can comment and they both can get a great laugh. I believe Facebook is the most dominant social media platform for it has users for all ages interacting with each other and you are able to share a lot more.
Twitter is a great way to share a quick thought. One can think of something and post it. It is also a great way to share a quick update. Just look at President Trump. This is fascinating that the President of The United States is able to communicate directly to the people in such a New Media fashion. Celebrities are also very responsive on Twitter so it is a great way to interact with them as well. If you want information fast, new media is the website for you.

Instagram is a great way to share a picture or video highlight of a certain aspect or event of your life. While Instagram now allows you to upload more than one picture at once, it is predominantly used to share just one. Your friends can comment on these pictures. I believe that instagram is what you want people to believe represents you. One picks the greatest moments or the greatest picture and shares it on Instagram.

Snapchat is so much fun. It represents a day in your life. When a user posts on their story they show highlights of their day. You can also send direct snaps to people and add effects to it. While then other social media platforms are about getting and sharing information, Snapchat is about being silly and fun.

Blog about Twitter

A Twitter discussion is a very unique facet of the New Media class. However, I would not say that it compares to a Blackboard discussion in anyway shape or form. Well, while we can post something and reply on both forums. On Twitter, we can really only make a very brief statement as it only allows 140 Characters. If you add in the class hash tag, then, you have even less.

Blackboard allows for more substance and shows that you developed more of an understanding of the reading. While you may understand the reading fully, you are able to express it better on blackboard.

That is not to say that Twitter is not effective for the New Media class. For it is similar to an in-class discussion. People just spout sentences back and forth in an in-class discussion. It is less formal and that is exactly what Twitter is like. A less formal conversation.

Thus, both forums are effective in their own way.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Social Networking

     Social Networking is a fascinating aspect of today's technology. Almost everyone one is using it. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Tumblr, or even LinkedIn. You are most likely on at least one of them. If not, you are out of the loop. 'The loop' is what we are all desperately trying to stay in. On these sites, we share pictures, communicate with family, friends, and colleagues, play games. No matter what you do on these networks, its all about being connected to it. Each network is striving to make you the most connected to their network. Being that we the people are oh so connected., corporate businesses are promoting their products and companies on these sites. For if it is on our social media, it must be good and cool. Yet, sharing your opinions on these social media websites can lead to a downfall and a dark side.

     In an article by CNN, 'Dictionary Word of The Year: Unfriend' . The words imply means to remove someone as a friend typically on social networking sites. This is most popularly done on Facebook. The word 'connecting' is mentioned a lot in the article. It is noted that there is a thrill that people connecting or even unconnecting on social networking sites  has now become part of the lexicon. While this may be true that 'Unfriend' was the dictionary word on the year in 2016, I would like to offer a reason why. THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. No matter who you supported, at least one of your friends supported the opposing candidate and may have 'Unfriended' you. For shame! I believe in the right to express your opinion freely and respectfully. Everyone should respect their friends respectful opinion whether they agree or not. However, they still might be connected on another platform because there are oh so many. Will there ever be just one?

     In an article by Wired, 'Great Wall of Facebook: The Social Networks Plan to Dominate The Internet and Keep Google Out' Facebook knows it's audience like no other social media platform. The article states that Facebook had information from its users such as that "They used their real names, connected with their real friends, linked to their real email addresses, and shared their real thoughts, tastes, and news." They in every sense of the idea have a full profile of all of its users and knows how to cater to them. However, when is knowing too much a problem. Facebook does not want to share its information with Google. These websites are beginning to know too much about us that we are losing our uniqueness and spontaneity. Soon the internet will fully define us.

     Social Networking and the Internet have come a long way. My prediction for the future is that their will be holograms in your home to shop and try on clothes, grocery shop, and to even FaceTime with a full hologram of a person in your home. Who knows? It would be weird to think that it is impossible.