Friday, March 10, 2017

Blog about Twitter

A Twitter discussion is a very unique facet of the New Media class. However, I would not say that it compares to a Blackboard discussion in anyway shape or form. Well, while we can post something and reply on both forums. On Twitter, we can really only make a very brief statement as it only allows 140 Characters. If you add in the class hash tag, then, you have even less.

Blackboard allows for more substance and shows that you developed more of an understanding of the reading. While you may understand the reading fully, you are able to express it better on blackboard.

That is not to say that Twitter is not effective for the New Media class. For it is similar to an in-class discussion. People just spout sentences back and forth in an in-class discussion. It is less formal and that is exactly what Twitter is like. A less formal conversation.

Thus, both forums are effective in their own way.

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