Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Wiki So Far

In this class, I have learned a tremendous amount. There has been a plethora of research that have gone into this class. New Media is fascinating as it is changing the way we work in the world. At the same time, when a lot of time is spent on a certain thing, money usually follows; that is where the business side comes in.

It has been seemingly interesting exploring the social media applications that are used in our everyday lives. I have done an abundance of research for this class on these topics; specifically Instagram and Snapchat. Those are two apps that I use in my every day life and it was interesting exploring the nitty gritty features of them.

I plan to continue this research to bring into the wiki. Wikis are immensely polarizing because it can provide factual information that people will go to and learn. I definitely want to be a part of that process and I am excited to do so.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


File Sharing is an entity that a plethora of people are immensely familiar with. We file share on the daily basis. We can share movies, books, music, and even essays. In school, essay file sharing is the most popular. Instead of printing out the essay and handing it to the professor. One can simply file share and call it a day. However, new media is expanding upon the idea of file sharing with P2P File Sharing. 

P2P, peer to peer, file sharing is shaping the way people share files. It is a network where people connect to. This way no one has to directly send a file. However, if someone is connected to the network and is liking for a file, they can search all the computers on the connected network and use that file. No need for purchasing something if somebody already has it, right? 

Some example of P2P file sharing are movies and music. Those are the ones that are often searched for and looked for. However, it is noted in the article by Econsultantcy, that the television industry is hard for the P2P users to get a hold of due to its lack of a short to medium term. 

Yet, according to Econsultantcy, in their article, 'Content Producers Should Take Advantage of P2P, Not Fear It', "we need to stop asking how to stop people from enjoying our work and start asking how to help them do it. " It is claimed that artist or content producers are too concerned with the monetary way of distributing content and not about pure enjoyment. But, hey, everyone has to make ends meet, right? 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


New Media is great!

I love it. It provides for countless innovation, creativity, and connection. It is almost as if the world is at the tip of your fingers. However, that is not without it's downsides. They say that knowing too much may not be the best situation. I believe that, to a point.

There are countless of good things that could stem from the use of New Media. If used correctly. A vast amount of social media websites we use promise privacy and security. As this is immensely important. We accept only the people whom we want to share our content with. However, some websites do not hold true to that promise, completely.

Take Facebook for example, You think you are private. But are you really? Come to find out there are a million and one ways to secure your media that you can not fully keep track. Not even the wife of the Facebook CEO can either, In the article, Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even The Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private, the wife of Mark Zuckerberg experienced one of her photos being viewed and shared by someone who is not her friend. However, he was a friend of a friend. If privacy settings are not checked for everything you post, you may end up with this same issue. While a friend of a friend of a non- celebrity probably won't care about a regular family photo, it is still worth it to secure all media.

Privacy is immensely important. Check everywhere. Don't just go to general settings. Ned Media is constantly changing and with that comes privacy settings.

Always be on the look out, no matter who you are!


If I were hired by Baruch College to use new media on their campus, I would do a number of different things.

Let's start with social media---- the epitome of new media.

The school should have a Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram page to deliver important updates to the campus such as closings, delays, emergencies, or even fun events.

This is college, not high school, thus their is no Public Address system to announce important days and events. Thus, new media is essential and a great way to keep in contact nowadays.

I also believe that the college should join Snapchat. Here at Brooklyn College, I do not believe we are on Snapchat, however, i know other college and universities are. Pace University for example has a Snapchat that highlights almost live popular school events. I believe this could expand the participation from students as they see how much fun these events are.

Also, Facebook Live could be a great tool. If the college creates a Facebook page that students join, the president could have a Public Address using this tool while getting direct feedback. Professors can also host a class from Facebook LIVE. This way if a student is sick, he still won't miss class.

New Media has a plethora of options to interact nowadays that every college, including Baruch College, should take heed.