Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Blog V Wiki

Blogs and Wikis are very important in the new media of today's world. They are both forums that can provide information and aid to discussion. In today's new media, their might be a preference between the two. Personally, I prefer a blog. For a blog is more open for discussion and typically less structured. Also, a blog allows for more opinionated statements as opposed to a wiki.

A Blog is naturally a regularly updated website that is typically run by a specific individual or a certain group of people. It is typically written in an informal way or a conversational style. Often times people feel free to write whatever they are feeling in  a blog. People can collaborate with companies for promotions of their products. They can also collaborate with public officials. For better or for worse. Blogs could also aid in investigations. The NYT posted an article, Brooklyn Blog Leads To Drug Raid, Bayridgetalk.com is a blog that the people of Bay Ridge are a part of. Locals began writing on the blog that they suspected one of the homes on their bock was a 'crack house' and they suspected foul activity. After conversing with their neighbors, the blogging turned into action and the people in the home were arrested. That blog led to arrests for the better. Blogs are important in today's society because they bring people together. I believe that blogs could be used more to hold community meetings. The anonymity of it can lead to truth in the neighborhood without fear of reprisal. However, it should be monitored by authorities so it does not get out of hand. Wikis have a different purpose.

A Wiki is a website that allows for collaboration when it comes to editing it's content and structure by it's users. There are typically topics for a certain person, place, or thing of interest and it could edited by any one of its users. It is important for people to get information from a wiki because the structure is easy to find. Their are topics and one can easily find what they are looking for. However, being that it could be edited by anyone, aids to it's sense of not being completely truthful. The NYT article, Wikipedia Will Limit Changes on Articles About Living People, the article discusses how people who are deemed anonymous are not allowed to edit content anymore that one has to be a user. However, high profile people like Former President Barack Obama and Britney Spears have pages that are more strict when it comes to editing. This is an attempt to make wiki pages more legit. However, these pages are not open for a high amount of opinion. This is why a prefer bogs.

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